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3 best treatments for curbing epilepsy seizures

3 best treatments for curbing epilepsy seizures

Almost any disorder that ails us can be treated. Being an earthling in the 21st century comes with its added benefits. Anything that affects us or interferes with the normal functioning of our bodies can be treated effectively. They don’t survive an onslaught of effective medications and succumb to it finally and thus, you can say “good riddance to bad rubbish.” Epilepsy is a neurological condition that causes a sudden surge of electrical impulses in the brain, which cause epilepsy seizures symptoms to surface.
Everything you need to know about vertigo
Health and Fitness

Everything you need to know about vertigo

Vertigo is a restorative condition. It causes a person to feel like they or their surroundings are moving when they are not. This might can be accompanied by queasiness, spewing, sweating, or trouble in strolling. It is ordinarily compounded when the head moves. What causes vertigo? There are several infections that can result in vertigo.
12 foods that fight inflammation
Health and Fitness

12 foods that fight inflammation

Inflammation is the body’s response to an external harmful stimulus. It is a protective response stimulated by the system. The symptoms are heat, pain, redness, swelling, and loss of function. It is considered a type of innate immunity. Foods that combat inflammation The components of the food that fight off inflammation are – antioxidants, minerals, and essential fatty acids.
When should you visit an ENT specialist?

When should you visit an ENT specialist?

An Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist is one who is a medical officer and specializes in treating the condition of ENT infections. Also known as an otolaryngologist, the ENT specialist may be able to treat conditions that are related to the neck and head too. There are several reasons that cause disorders with a patient’s ear, nose, and throat.
How to prevent yourself from ENT infections
Health and Fitness

How to prevent yourself from ENT infections

Otorhinolaryngology is the term that not many of us are aware of. But it the study of problems related to ear, nose, and throat ENT. ENT problems are common, easily diagnosed, and curable, and yet, can get serious at times if not taken care of at an early stage. Infections are common in the ear, nose, and throat among many people.
5 external causes of high blood pressure
blood disorders

5 external causes of high blood pressure

The stress of living in the 21st century and the pressure to meet the set standard of living has driven mankind to the verge of emotional and physical fatigue. Our constant urge to own the best of everything has dragged us into a never-ending race for material possessions. What impact does it have on us?
Benefits of a high-fiber diet
Diet Plans

Benefits of a high-fiber diet

Regular exercise and abstaining from tobacco and alcohol are some of the ways to promote a healthy lifestyle. Yet, there is one fundamental rule that many of us tend to overlook, a healthy, high-fiber diet plan. While keeping away from greasy, fatty foods and quitting bad habits can improve the quality of life, it is just as important to consume adequate amounts of fibrous foods.
High fiber meals to incorporate into your diet
Diet Plans

High fiber meals to incorporate into your diet

Along with modern conveniences that have made life easier, today people are leading sedentary lifestyles and consuming foods that do more harm than good. Lifestyle-related diseases like stroke, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes are on the rise, apart from diseases caused by tobacco consumption, alcohol, and drugs. One way to make a change is with diet.
Lead a healthy life with portable oxygen
Health and Fitness

Lead a healthy life with portable oxygen

There are many who fail to lead a normal life because of heavy pollution and hectic schedules. Breathing trouble is undeniably a major health issue faced by people across the globe. Well, it is your duty to ensure that you keep yourself in an environment with low or no chances of infection due to dust particles around.
How is retinal tear and detachment treated?
Eye Diseases

How is retinal tear and detachment treated?

Retina, a continuation of the central nervous system (CNS), is the only part that is visible from outside. The retina is the organ of sight and is provided with special photosensitive cells called cones and rods. Cones can discern color and produce well-defined sharp color images. They work only in bright light.
How does the retina work?
Eye Diseases

How does the retina work?

Retina is the screen on the inner layer of eye on which the images are formed by the lens and what is projected on them. The eye is very similar in structure and function to a modern digital camera. Retina, a thin membrane in the eye, is full of nerve supply resting on a highly vascular layer.
Most common indications of a migraine
Health and Fitness

Most common indications of a migraine

Migraine headaches are extremely common among men and women all over the world. They are one of the most popular issues that are common in most ER and doctor’s clinics. However, not all headaches are migraine headaches and given below are some of the most common indications that will help you realize whether you are suffering from a migraine or an ordinary headache.

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